Memory Exercises And Other Games to Maintain Mental Health
Prepared by: PP-2 IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. – Budapest (IFKA). Hungary

1.    Training name

Memory exercises and other games to maintain mental health.

2.    General description

Help develop memory, attention, numeracy, logical thinking, or language and speaking skills for adults and adults with interactive and innovative technical solutions on an e-learning platform.

Objectives of the training and expected learning outcomes

Objectives of the training:

The purpose of the training is to maintain mental freshness, develop memory and mental abilities. Performing the tasks compiled by the psychologist can result in tangible development and a sense of success for the elderly person. You may be interested in similar playful puzzles, solving the tasks illustrated with illustration is a challenge for older people.

Expected learning outcomes:

The possibility of repeatability of the exercises, the evaluation and the positive feedback in each case increase the feeling of satisfaction. The puzzles provide a fun pastime, the theme draws on the close-to-life experiences of older people and offers more interesting solutions than traditional puzzles.
Lifestyle plays a key role in the prevention and care of cognitive disorders that come with old age. We are all in desire of “successful aging” - when we are able to maintain our physician and mental fitness, keep up our social relationships and in the possession of our acquired wisdom, we look for new situations where we can utilize our knowledge. 

Methods of protecting healthy brain activity include performing regular mental exercises. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease has been shown to be lower among those who train their brains regularly and engage in mental activity. Those who read a lot and take care of stimulating their brains are able to maintain their memory performance for longer as the disease progresses. 

These tasks are designed primarily for those who want to train their mental abilities and keep their minds fresh. Because it is not enough just to fight the decline of the mind, it is worth developing our cognitive skills even in adulthood. Similarly to our physical traits, our cognitive abilities weaken and become blunt without continuous training and development. These exercises develop a wide range of our mental abilities, helping to sharpen memory, attention, mental arithmetic, logical thinking, language skills, psychomotor skills, and spatial and temporal orientation. As we age, we should not settle for the decline in these abilities, as we can live a mentally active life in old age, we just have to work for it! If we do, we can be sure that our lives will be fuller once we get old as well! [3]

The exercises are specifically designed for those who want to develop their cognitive skills and thereby improve their quality of life.

How to dive into the exercises / mental training?

I suggest you design your own system! It doesn’t lead to faster results if you complete all the tasks in one day. You will be much more productive and efficient if you do only a few tasks a day. This way you will develop faster. Try to do the exercises at the same time of the day, as good timing is also part of a well-functioning system. It is important to have a positive and a permissive attitude towards yourself during the exercises. If you don’t succeed with a task, don't give up, try again the next day. The point is to find the solution and think about it! You can also complete the tasks in the order in which they appear in the task list, but you can choose any of the six topics. Practice and try again, until you get closer to the solution!

Remembering (memory) as an ability helps us to memorize something and recall it when needed. Based on the fact that an information needs to be memorized for minutes, days, or longer, we can talk about short-, medium-, and long-term memory. Like all our abilities, so does memory, change as we age. As the process of aging progresses, memory functions (e.g., the speed of learning) decrease, but another component of memory, the already acquired (or settled) knowledge, increases. Perhaps this is one of the foundations of wisdom in old age. So, as we age, memory does not deteriorate during healthy aging, it only changes in its quality and certain characteristics. 

1. Description of Exercise 

1.    Memorize the four pairs of words shown here. Each has a completely different word. Note all four parties. Once you have memorized it, complete the exercise on the next page. [3]

Bench - avocado
Books - lecture
Dog - pain
Wine - skirt


Bench – a_oc_d_
? – l_ctu__
Dog – p_ _ n
Wine – s_ _ _t


There are 4 pair of word. The task is worth a total of 4 points. The recall of one pair of words is worth 1 point.

Between 0-2 points: This task was certainly not easy for you, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with these tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: Match everyday objects around you, such as “apple”-“table”. Find as many of these word pairs as possible and recall them over and over again, even the next day! Try to visualize the word pairs together in front of you, as if you were seeing them on a piece of paper.

Top tip: Create a picture!

How does our brain process information? It first analyses and records (encodes). Take, for example, a drawing of a cow with the Spanish word “vaca” above it. Our brain identifies the word and connects it to the image. So we know that the word “vaca” means cow. When we “photograph” the image and the word together in our brain, the connection between the image and the subject is fixed. Because visual information is easier to grasp, we are more likely to remember the word later. 

3 points:
Your memory skills can be said to be average, but that doesn’t mean you won’t forget little things in your everyday life. You can apply memory development tricks Eg: Match everyday objects around you, such as “apple”-“table”. Find as many of these word pairs as possible and recall them over and over again, even the next day! Try to visualize the word pairs together in front of you, as if you were seeing them on a piece of paper. You are on the best path with these tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day!

4 points: You are almost in top shape in terms of your memory skills! You can easily cope with life’s challenges where your memory is needed. You will surely enjoy the tasks in this chapter, which will also help you stay in great shape! If you keep focusing, you can deliver great performance! Your goal is to maintain your excellent performance in the coming tasks!

2. Description of Exercise 

Memorize the words with the following numbers. [3]

Hello 322

Blackberries 21

Scorpion 30

Wooden slippers XXX


Rubelaa XY

Ant 33

Now add the missing numbers or letters! Watch out, we've reversed their order.

Rubella ??

?? 33

Hello ??

?? 21

Wooden slippers ??

Prince ??

?? 30


There are 6 pair of numbers and words. The task is worth a total of 6 points. The recall of one pair of words is worth 1 point.

Between 0-2 points: Your memory needs to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with these tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: Try to memorize the last 2 digits of the phone number next to some of the names in your phonebook! Then try to recall them!

3-4 points: Your memory skills can be said to be average, but that doesn’t mean you won’t forget little things in your everyday life. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: Try to memorize the last 2 digits of the phone number next to some of the names in your phonebook! Then try to recall them! Or try recalling your most recent shopping list! What and exactly how much did you buy of the items? Work on these tasks again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day!

5-6 points: You are almost in top shape in terms of your memory skills! You can easily cope with life’s challenges where your memory is needed. You will surely enjoy the tasks in this chapter, which will also help you stay in great shape! If you keep focusing, you can deliver great performance! Your goal is to maintain your excellent performance in the coming tasks!

3. Decription of Exercise

We now show the favourite free-time activities of the members of the Jávori family. Memorize them, and then answer the questions below. 

András, the father: fishing and cooking

Emma, the mother: reading and watching movies

Sonia, their daughter: cycling, collecting minerals

William, the son, the youngest: playing football, painting

What are the daughter’s favourite free-time activities?

Who likes to watch movies in the family?

Does anyone like to cook and listen to music?

What's the son's name?

What are the mother's favourite free-time activities?

What are the father's favourite free-time activities?

What does the youngest member of the family like to do?

What's the daughter's name?


Every correct answer is worth 1 point. The task is worth a total of 8 points.

Between 0-3 points: Your memory needs to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with these tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: Watch a movie and try to tell it in your own words, summarize the story! Talk to your friend about their latest movie experience and ask questions about the story!

4-6 points: Your memory skills can be said to be average, but that doesn’t mean you won’t forget little things in your everyday life. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: Watch a movie and try to tell it in your own words, summarize the story! Talk to your friend about their latest movie experience and ask questions about the story! Work on these tasks again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day!

7-8 points: You are almost in top shape in terms of your memory skills! You can easily cope with life’s challenges where your memory is needed. You will surely enjoy the tasks in this chapter, which will also help you stay in great shape! If you keep focusing, you can deliver great performance! Your goal is to maintain your excellent performance in the coming tasks!

4. Description of Exercise

Memorize the following story then answer the true or false questions.

The Kovács parents spent the day at the amusement park with their children! The little boy Adrian really liked the clowns and the enchanted castle, but not the roller coaster. Melinda, their daughter had a great time on the roller coaster and enjoyed bouncing on the bouncing castle, but she was really bored on the Ferris wheel. Benjamin, the father was having fun alone in the mirror palace, his stomach got upset on the roller coaster. Finally, Piroska, the mother, really enjoyed the Ferris wheel and the mirror palace. [3]

There are 8 statements. The task is worth a total of 8 points. One correct answer is worth 1 point.

                                                                                                                             Start Test


Between 0-3 points: Your memory needs to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with these tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: For a story you’ve read or heard (even a movie), propose questions on who did what, where, and how they did it, then try to recall the story in your own words.

Top tip: Understand what it means!

If we had to memorize a text, we would probably start by reading it again and again in anticipation. that repetition helps capture information in our brains. However, this is not the most effective way to learn the text to be learned, and this way, it is more likely to be forgotten. Understanding the meaning of a text is what helps you remember it better. The more you understand what you are reading, the more connections you will find between the text and what you already know and the more you will remember it. 

4-6 points
: Your memory skills can be said to be average, but that doesn’t mean you won’t forget little things in your everyday life. You can also use memory development tricks in everyday life. Eg: For a story you’ve read or heard (even a movie), propose questions on who did what, where, and how they did it, then try to recall the story in your own words. Work on these tasks again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day!

Top tip: Understand what it means!

If we had to memorize a text, we would probably start by reading it again and again in anticipation. that repetition helps capture information in our brains. However, this is not the most effective way to learn the text to be learned, and this way, it is more likely to be forgotten. Understanding the meaning of a text is what helps you remember it better. The more you understand what you are reading, the more connections you will find between the text and what you already know and the more you will remember it. 

7-8 points:
You are almost in top shape in terms of your memory skills! You can easily cope with life’s challenges where your memory is needed. You will surely enjoy the tasks in this chapter, which will also help you stay in great shape! If you keep focusing, you can deliver great performance! Your goal is to maintain your excellent performance in the coming tasks!

Top tip: Understand what it means!

If we had to memorize a text, we would probably start by reading it again and again in anticipation. that repetition helps capture information in our brains. However, this is not the most effective way to learn the text to be learned, and this way, it is more likely to be forgotten. Understanding the meaning of a text is what helps you remember it better. The more you understand what you are reading, the more connections you will find between the text and what you already know and the more you will remember it. 

A total of 26 points are available for the above tasks.

Between 0-13 points (below 50%): Your memory needs to be improved, but don't be discouraged! With these tasks, you are on the best path to better performance. Try the tasks again and utilise the top tips!

Between 14-26 points (above 50%): The closer you are to the maximum score, the better your memory. However, continuous and regular exercise is required to maintain good performance! If you are further away from the maximum score, there is still room for improvement in your memory. The easiest way to do this is to repeat the tasks and keep the tips in mind!



Attention is the selection between external and internal stimuli. What we perceive from the flood of this stimulus is determined by attention. Attention highlights and makes our perceptions more accurate, thus creating optimal conditions for the perception and processing of information. Attention cannot be considered as a stand-alone cognitive process. It is also associated with detection, the intent to record information, and the operations performed on it. The more we can concentrate, the better we can store and retrieve information. As cerebral blood flow begins to deteriorate with age, brain performance decreases. As a result, mental freshness, cognitive functions deteriorate. Vigilance, attention, concentration begins to slow down. However, this process can be slowed down by practice and regular training of our attention. [5]


1. Description of Exercise

The 25 drawings shown here can be divided into 5 different groups. Create groups and name them! 




1.    Faces
2.    Fruits
3.    Vehicles
4.    Instruments
5.    Animals


A maximum of 5 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-3 points: You must have come across this type of task a long time ago. You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Based on the instruction, we might think, “it’s going to be child’s play,” and then in the course of solving it, we realize how challenging the task is and how much of our attention is needed. The task requires concentration in addition to the ability to pay attention, which can also wear you out without practice. Your attention needs improvement, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Top tip: An orderly mind!

When organizing things to keep in mind, we create groups that make it easier to recall later.  This way, the connection between the things belonging to each category will be stronger, which will further strengthen the memory and recall. For example, if we need to memorize multiple company names, we’ll make it easier for us to categorize them based on the service they provide. The system we have developed ourselves is the most secure! We remember better what we invented than what was already prepared. Therefore, we organize the information according to the principle that is most transparent to us. 

4-5 points
: Your momentum lasted until the end of the task, and nor fatigue or agitation has impaired your performance. In addition to the ability to pay attention, the task also requires the concentration you have, but without exercise you can unfortunately wear out. The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your attention! If you failed to reach the maximum score, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Top tip: An orderly mind!

When organizing things to keep in mind, we create groups that make it easier to recall later.  This way, the connection between the things belonging to each category will be stronger, which will further strengthen the memory and recall. For example, if we need to memorize multiple company names, we’ll make it easier for us to categorize them based on the service they provide. The system we have developed ourselves is the most secure! We remember better what we invented than what was already prepared. Therefore, we organize the information according to the principle that is most transparent to us. 


2. Description of Exercise

In each row of letters, mark the letter that is in the center of the alphabetical order in relation to the other letters. [6]
Example: OPL – OPL



A maximum of 20 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-10 points: You must have come across this type of task a long time ago. You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Based on the instruction, we might think, “it’s going to be child’s play,” and then in the course of solving it, we realize how challenging the task is and how much of our attention is needed. The task requires concentration in addition to the ability to pay attention, which can also wear you out without practice. Your attention needs improvement, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Between 11-20 points: Your momentum almost lasted until the end of the task, but you may have fatigued or agitation might have impaired your performance. In addition to the ability to pay attention, the task also requires the concentration you have, but without exercise you can unfortunately wear out. The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your attention! If you are more than 5 points away from the maximum, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

3. Description of Exercise

Study the schedule of the Cegléd-Nyíregyháza railway line, then answer the questions! 


                                                                                                                                        Start Test


Between 0-4 points: You must have come across this type of task a long time ago. You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Based on the instruction, we might think, “it’s going to be child’s play,” and then in the course of solving it, we realize how challenging the task is and how much of our attention is needed. The task requires concentration in addition to the ability to pay attention, which can also wear you out without practice. Your attention needs improvement, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Between 4-7 points: Your momentum almost lasted until the end of the task, but you may have fatigued or agitation might have impaired your performance. In addition to the ability to pay attention, the task also requires the concentration you have, but without exercise you can unfortunately wear out. The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your attention! If you failed to reach the maximum score, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

4. Description of Exercise

Colour the squares so that the sum of the coloured squares in each row and each column is odd. Coloured squares should not touch each other, even diagonally. No rows or columns can be left without a coloured square. 




A maximum of 16 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-8 points: You must have come across this type of task a long time ago. You may also be a little tired from doing this type of exercise or have been doing this type of exercise for a long time. Based on the instruction, we might think, “it’s going to be child’s play,” and then in the course of solving it, we realize how challenging the task is and how much of our attention is needed. The task requires concentration in addition to the ability to pay attention, which can also wear you out without practice. Your attention needs improvement, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary; Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Between 9-13 points: Your momentum almost lasted until the end of the task, but you may have fatigued or agitation might have impaired your performance. Based on the instruction, we might think, “it’s going to be child’s play,” and then in the course of solving it, we realize how challenging the task is and how much of our attention is needed. In addition to the ability to pay attention, the task also requires the concentration you have, but without exercise you can unfortunately wear out. You are on the best path with the tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Work on them again and again, then return to the tasks that caused difficulty when you feel ready. You will see better results day by day! You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Between 14-16 points: Your momentum lasted until the end of the task, and nor fatigue or agitation has impaired your performance. In addition to the ability to pay attention, the task also requires the concentration you have, but without exercise you can unfortunately wear out. The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your attention! If you failed to reach the maximum score, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

A total of 48 points are available for the above tasks.

Between 0-24 points (below 50%): Your attention needs to be improved, but don't be discouraged! With these tasks, you are on the best path to better performance. You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results. Try the tasks again and don’t forget to practice time to time! 

Between 25-48 points (above 50%): The closer you are to the maximum score, the better your attention. You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results. You can often encounter these types of tasks in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!



Most researchers agree that the understanding of approximate arithmetic quantities was born with us, but we do not have innate brain mechanisms specifically to perform accurate symbolic calculations. Learning plays a crucial role in the acquisition of calculational skills, in which we learn different calculational algorithms (e.g. to simplify addition and subtraction) and also rely directly on our semantic (based on our knowledge, easily and quickly accessible) memory (e.g. memorizing the multiplication table). Our counting ability can be steeled by continuous practice, even in old age. If you really want to count better in your head, the first step is not to use a calculator, as the calculator makes a large area of both hemispheres of the brain lazy. It is important to note that honing your math skills is very rewarding, because with practice, our general abilities will improve in all other areas as well, e.g., we will be more organised. 

1.  Description of Exercise

Solve the following tasks with head counting! Get the solution in three minutes!    

2.  Description of Exercise

Solve the following tasks with head counting!


A maximum of 5 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-3 points: You must think you're bad at math. Since your numeracy skills often let you down, this can be a problem for your finances on a day-to-day basis. Your calculation skills need to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! The tasks in this chapter will help you develop your numeracy skills and increase your self-confidence. If you practice more arithmetic problems, you will be more confident in taking on financial challenges in everyday life as well. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary! Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. Go again, when you are ready!

Curiosity: Mathematical thinking goes easier when visualizing mathematical concepts. Einstein once argued that the process of thinking is fundamentally based on visuality and, in fact, we rarely think in words. Brain imaging procedures have shown that not only the left hemisphere works, but also the areas of the brain responsible for movement, vision, and hearing. So when a math problem appears visually before us, the brain can more easily recall the information. Math tasks work on the brain in a similar way to lifting weights on the body. Head counting improves the accuracy of information flow between neurons. For example, addition as an operation is known to protect nerve fibers, improve isolation between neurons, and strengthen the connection between neurons. Head counting improves the speed between nerve cells. 

4-5 points: You have no resentment for math and your math skills are good too, but did you get the maximum score? If you made mistakes, did you figure out why? The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your math skills! If you don't reach the maximum score, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Go again, to see if you can tackle even the toughest challenges! You can often encounter these types of exercises in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!

Curiosity: Mathematical thinking goes easier when visualizing mathematical concepts. Einstein once argued that the process of thinking is fundamentally based on visuality and, in fact, we rarely think in words. Brain imaging procedures have shown that not only the left hemisphere works, but also the areas of the brain responsible for movement, vision, and hearing. So when a math problem appears visually before us, the brain can more easily recall the information. Math tasks work on the brain in a similar way to lifting weights on the body. Head counting improves the accuracy of information flow between neurons. For example, addition as an operation is known to protect nerve fibers, improve isolation between neurons, and strengthen the connection between neurons. Head counting improves the speed between nerve cells. 
3.  Description of Exercise 

Please answert the following text subset questions by clicking on the below link.


A maximum of 75 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-37 points: You must think you're bad at math. Since your numeracy skills often let you down, this can be a problem for your finances on a day-to-day basis. Your calculation skills need to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! The tasks in this chapter will help you develop your numeracy skills and increase your self-confidence. If you practice more arithmetic problems, you will be more confident in taking on financial challenges in everyday life as well. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary! Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. Go again, when you are ready!

Top tip: Give yourself enough time to get into practice. Consider this exercise as a process to perfect your abilities, rather than a quick test. 

38-65 points
: You have a good feel for numbers, but it won’t hurt to update your knowledge! Review the tasks you did not get the correct answer. Your calculation skills need to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! The tasks in this chapter will help you develop your numeracy skills and increase your self-confidence. If you practice more arithmetic problems, you will be more confident in taking on financial challenges in everyday life as well. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary! Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. Go again, when you are ready!

Top tip
: Give yourself enough time to get into practice. Consider this exercise as a process to perfect your abilities, rather than a quick test. 

66-75 points: You have no resentment for math and your math skills are good too, but did you get the maximum score? If you made mistakes, did you figure out why? The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your math skills! If you are missing more than 5 points of the maximus score, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Go again, to see if you can tackle even the toughest challenges! You can often encounter these types of exercises in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!
Top tip: Give yourself enough time to get into practice. Consider this exercise as a process to perfect your abilities, rather than a quick test. 
4. Description of Exercise

Solve the puzzle. What numbers do XY hide? 


A maximum of 3 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-2 points: You seem a little scared of math! Whichever task went harder, review it again, even several times to fugure out where you made a mistake. This is important for practicing and developing your numeracy skills. The following tasks are getting harder, it's important to be in training!

Top tip: If you want to learn to count fast, incorporate numerical examples into your everyday life! When shopping, add up the price of the products in our head. Or while driving, calculate how many kilometers it will take exactly to get to your destination. If you go to a restaurant, calculate how much the bill will be by head counting. 

3 points: Your counting skills are excellent! Get involved in other tasks to see if you can take the hardest tasks successfully!

Top tip: If you want to learn to count fast, incorporate numerical examples into your everyday life! When shopping, add up the price of the products in our head. Or while driving, calculate how many kilometers it will take exactly to get to your destination. If you go to a restaurant, calculate how much the bill will be by head counting. 

5. Description of Exercise

Use the numbers and operation symbols to solve the equation! 


Between 0-12 points: You are facing difficulties when solving calculation  exercises, but don't worry! Since your numeracy skills often let you down, this can be a problem for your finances on a day-to-day basis. Your calculation skills need to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! The tasks in this chapter will help you develop your numeracy skills and increase your self-confidence. If you practice more arithmetic problems, you will be more confident in taking on financial challenges in everyday life as well. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary! Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. Go again, when you are ready!

Top tip: If you want to learn to count fast, incorporate numerical examples into your everyday life! When shopping, add up the price of the products in our head. Or while driving, calculate how many kilometers it will take exactly to get to your destination. If you go to a restaurant, calculate how much the bill will be by head counting. 

38-65 points: You have a good feel for numbers, but it won’t hurt to update your knowledge! Review the tasks you did not get the correct answer. Your calculation skills need to be improved, but don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! The tasks in this chapter will help you develop your numeracy skills and increase your self-confidence. If you practice more arithmetic problems, you will be more confident in taking on financial challenges in everyday life as well. You will see better results day by day! Do not consider the result a doom, on the contrary! Now you get a real picture of the area to be developed. Go again, when you are ready!

Top tip: If you want to learn to count fast, incorporate numerical examples into your everyday life! When shopping, add up the price of the products in our head. Or while driving, calculate how many kilometers it will take exactly to get to your destination. If you go to a restaurant, calculate how much the bill will be by head counting. 

66-75 points: You are excelling in head counting! Your math skills are good too, but did you get the maximum score? If you made mistakes, did you figure out why? The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your math skills! If you are missing more than 5 points of the maximus score, don't be discouraged! You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results! Go again, to see if you can tackle even the toughest challenges! You can often encounter these types of exercises in puzzle newspapers, seize the opportunities!
Top tip: If you want to learn to count fast, incorporate numerical examples into your everyday life! When shopping, add up the price of the products in our head. Or while driving, calculate how many kilometers it will take exactly to get to your destination. If you go to a restaurant, calculate how much the bill will be by head counting. 
6. Description of Exercise

Now comes the task of utilising the space of a football stadium. Observe the data and answer the questions!


A maximum of 3 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-2 points: You seem a little scared of math! Whichever task went harder, review it again, even several times to figure out where you made a mistake. This is important for practicing and developing your numeracy skills. The following tasks are getting harder, it's important to be in training!

3 points: Your counting skills are excellent! Get involved in other tasks to see if you can take the hardest tasks successfully!


Logical thinking is a process of thinking in which a person formulates logical (reasonable, rational) contexts with the aim of drawing valid conclusions about the topic. Logical thinking is the ability to understand everything that surrounds the person. Establish relationships or differences between actions, objects, or observable facts through analysis, comparison, or even your own imagination. Logical thinking is a tool that allows us to argue, draw conclusions, and understand and explain the different situations and contexts around us. One of the easiest ways to develop logical thinking is to use board games. Such games are: chess, checkers, monopoly. In these games, every decision has to be seriously considered and its consequences, which means without brainstorming, one cannot win. 

We now deal with numbers with confidence and use logic to increase our mental activity and solve everyday situations. But you might think: “Yes, these games can be useful sometimes, but when it comes to things I know well, I’ll still use my own proven methods.”

In this case, we do not rely on our logical knowledge, but solve problems based on our what psychology calls heuristic knowledge. This is a natural reaction in case of incomplete information or complex problems. These generally effective rules are coded in our brains to fill in the gaps. These lead to informed decisions and intuitive conjectures.   That is, we use common sense. Take a look at the following examples! How would you think about the following situations?

1. Description of Exercise

You can see different word groups. Guess which of the five words describes the whole group. 


A total of 6 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-4 points: You need to develop your logical thinking skills! You were probably unsure of a few factors and have thoughtlessly answered the question. Review the task again, the new challenges will help you practice logical thinking.
Top tip: Encryption is one example of logical thinking. Start an encrypted correspondence with someone, then decipher each other's message. 

Top tip: Encryption is one example of logical thinking. Start an encrypted correspondence with someone, then decipher each other's message. 

5-6 points: You are able to approach a task logically, you can pay attention to the essence of the question and you will get to the solution. If you have not reached the maximum score, practice logical thinking in everyday life!
Top tip: Encryption is one example of logical thinking. Start an encrypted correspondence with someone, then decipher each other's message. 
2. Description of Exercises

Line up the sentences and learn how to make a classic Spanish tortilla.

A total of 8 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-3 points: You are not a master of logical thinking, but don't be discouraged! You are probably unsure of a few factors and have thoughtlessly answered the question. Review the task again, the new challenges will help you practice logical thinking.
Top tip: Encryption is one example of logical thinking. Start an encrypted correspondence with someone, then decipher each other's message. 

4-6 points: You are on the right track, but you still need to improve your logical thinking skills! Remember, sometimes intuitions lead you astray and you can fall into the trap of irrationality. Review the task again, the new challenges will help you practice logical thinking.
Top tip: Encryption is one example of logical thinking. Start an encrypted correspondence with someone, then decipher each other's message. 

7-8 points: Your logical thinking is flawless. Can you complete the other tasks in this chapter? If you don’t get the maximum score, start an encrypted correspondence with someone, then decipher each other's message! This is how you can practice logical thinking every day!

3. Description of Exercise

Two shepherds talk


A total of 2 points can be awarded for the task. The correct answer is worth 1 point.

0-1 points: You are not a master of logical thinking, but don't be discouraged! You are probably unsure of a few factors and have thoughtlessly answered the question. Review the task again, the new challenges will help you practice logical thinking.

2 points: Your logical thinking is flawless! Can you complete the other tasks in this chapter? 

4. Description of Exercise

Panni, Gyurka and Karcsi will go to university next year. For now, we know about them: two are going to medical school, and third will do economis or law, bu the hasn't decided yet. We also know that Gyurka and Karcsi go to different faculties. Which of the following statements can be true? 

1 point: Your logical thinking is flawless! Did you complete the other tasks in this chapter?

A total of 17 points are available for the tasks.

Between 0-9 points (below 50%): You must be controlled by your emotions more than your logic! Don’t be discouraged because logical thinking is easy to master or practice. You are on the best path with the following tasks, but patience and perseverance are needed for better results. Furthermore, you can also improve a lot by utilising the tips you get.

Between 10-17 points (above 50%): You try to approach situations logically, but you still often fall into the trap of irrationality. However, the closer you are to the maximum score, the better your logic skills, but remember, without practice, those skills will wear out. You can also improve a lot by utilising the tips you get.
#5: Language and Speaking Skill

Speech is a human skill, the ability to remember, think, and ponder, which is realized through human language. One gains experience through speech, thinks, communicates thoughts, understands the thoughts of others, affect others and is influenced by others through speech. Every human society speaks, but their speech is different. Its means, language, is also different from society to society. Differences can be observed in the sound system, vocabulary and grammatical rules, but more and more common features and similarities can be identified between different human languages. The higher our verbal intelligence, the more confident we can voice our needs and desires. Others will understand us better and we will build closer relationships. Improving our oral skills also has a significant impact on our social relationships and well-being. 

1. Description of Exercise

Write an opposite pair a for the next words! 

A total of 20 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Between 0-15 points: You barely have confidence in your language skills and this puts a strain on your self-confidence. One of the most effective ways to improve your language intelligence is at the tip of your hand. Go through the tasks in this chapter and test your language skills. Read more! In a classic novel, we come across original ideas and a unique style. Note the unknown words and look up their meaning.

Tip: You still have to work on your verbal intelligence, but don't be discouraged! Return to tasks where you have had difficulty. You need to improve in these areas! 

Verbal fluency: Vocabulary enhancement clearly makes you smarter. An average person uses 10 to 20,000 words, but there are more than three million words available to exercise our brains. The larger our vocabulary, the more connections are made between cells when we talk to someone.

Abundant vocabulary is an advantage in almost every situation, we can think of more complicated things and connections. Verbal fluency is the ability to recall as many words as possible from a given category. As a result, we can think faster and speak more comprehensively under pressure.

Between 16-20 points: Your verbal intelligence is quite good! The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your skill will be. This is certainly reflected in your self-confidence when you have to speak in front of a group of people or at a presentation.

Verbal fluency: Vocabulary enhancement clearly makes you smarter. An average person uses 10 to 20,000 words, but there are more than three million words available to exercise our brains. The larger our vocabulary, the more connections are made between cells when we talk to someone.

Abundant vocabulary is an advantage in almost every situation, we can think of more complicated things and connections. Verbal fluency is the ability to recall as many words as possible from a given category. As a result, we can think faster and speak more comprehensively under pressure.

2.    Description of Exercise

Arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. Notice that your eyes are constantly blocked because your brain cannot interpret the words and this interrupts the natural rhythm of reading. This task is harder than you think!

A, teacher strict is known as Margaret a

B, blood circulation stimulates brain Exercise to the

C, contains 100 brain neurons The billion

D, exercise good is a sudoku puzzle

E, average per minute The speed is 200-250 reading words

F, You what read you are

G, through you else’s someone eyes of life read experience As you

H, candidate’s testing Interviewers by verbal get a the abilities their picture a intelligence verbal 


A, Margaret is known as a strict teacher.
B, Exercise stimulates blood circulation to the brain.
C, The brain contains 100 billion neurons.
D, Exercise good is a sudoku puzzle
E, The average reading speed is 200-250 words per minute.
F, You are what you read.
G, As you read, you experience life through someone else’s eyes.
H, Interviewers get a picture of the candidates ’verbal abilities by testing their verbal intelligence 


A total of 8 points can be awarded for the task. Each correct said is worth 1 point.

Between 0-5 points: You barely have confidence in your language skills and this puts a strain on your self-confidence. One of the most effective ways to improve your language intelligence is at the tip of your hand. Go through the tasks in this chapter and test your language skills. 
Tip: You still have to work on your verbal intelligence, but don't be discouraged! Return to tasks where you have had difficulty. You need to improve in these areas! By thinking out loud during the day and expressing our thoughts, we can also train our vocabulary, or by keeping a diary, we can also shape our expressiveness. 

Between 6-8 points: Your verbal intelligence is quite good! The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your skill will be. This is certainly reflected in your self-confidence when you have to speak in front of a company or at a performance. However, never forget, verbal intelligence always needs to be developed. Read regularly, listen to rhetoric, and write down new words.
3. Description of Exercise

Read the following text carefully

Adrienn is 23 years old and in her fourth year at the University of Veterinary Medicine. She wakes up every morning at 7.30. She takes a quick shower, gets dressed and, while eating an apple, quickly prepares breakfast for her 14-year-old brother, Kamill (muesli, toast, latte). She leaves home at 8.30am and travels by subway. It is three stops until the train station, where she catches the 9.05 train. On the train, she meets two of his groupmates, Boris and Klaudia. Eva is also there, but she studies economics. Adrien has classes all morning until 14:00 and then has lunch at the university canteen for which she pays € 8.20. This price includes dessert, soft drinks and bread as well. Then they meet their friend, Eva, they have a coffee and go to the library to study.

Now, from memory, answer the questions without looking at the source text.

Between 0-5 points: You barely have confidence in your language skills and this puts a strain on your self-confidence. One of the most effective ways to improve your language intelligence is at the tip of your hand. Go through the tasks in this chapter and test your language skills. 
Tip: If you come across a similar task, read the text carefully to understand the key message, don’t stop at evey sentence. Summarize what we have read and highlight the key points! 

Between 6-8 points: Your verbal intelligence is quite good! The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your skill will be. This is certainly reflected in your self-confidence when you have to speak in front of a company or at a performance. However, never forget, verbal intelligence always needs to be developed. Read regularly, listen to rhetoric, and write down new words.
Tip: Talk to each other more! At the end of the conversation, try to summarize the essence of the story, the important points of the story. Don't just talk to family and friends, be curious! Ask questions because a deep conversation increases our mental capacity. 
4. Description of Exercise 

Read the following three statements carefully: 

Ernő feels very bad because she is afraid to fly. 

János writes his doctoral dissertation on climate change 

Henry will be 50 years old on Saturday and wants to organize a big celebration. 


Between 0-6 points: You barely have confidence in your language skills and this puts a strain on your self-confidence. One of the most effective ways to improve your language intelligence is at the tip of your hand. Go through the tasks in this chapter and test your language skills. 
Tip: If you come across a similar task, read the text carefully, highlight the key messages, and try to connect them with something. For example, imagine the characters, visualize the people with their different qualities and the information you get about them. It can also help a lot to memorize if you try to find a a similar person from you own circle of acquaintances who reminds you of the given characteristics. 

Between 7-9 points: Your verbal intelligence is quite good! The closer you get to the maximum score, the better your skill will be. This is certainly reflected in your self-confidence when you have to speak in front of a company or at a performance. However, never forget, verbal intelligence always needs to be developed. Read regularly, listen to rhetoric, and write down new words.
Tip: If you come across a similar task, read the text carefully, highlight the key messages, and try to connect them with something. For example, imagine the characters, visualize the people with their different qualities and the information you get about them. It can also help a lot to memorize if you try to find a a similar person from you own circle of acquaintances who reminds you of the given characteristics. 

A total of 45 points are available for the tasks.

Between 0-23 points (below 50%): Your language skills need to be improved. Go through the tasks in this chapter and put your language skills to the test to them. This way, you can easily figure out where you need to improve. You can also improve a lot by using the tips you get.

Between 24-45 points (above 50%): The closer you are to the maximum score, the better your verbal skills. However, keep in mind that there is always room for improvement in this area as well, so read regularly and continue to improve your expressiveness with the tasks in this chapter! You can also improve a lot by using the tips you get.


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[4] Dr. Pascale Michelon (2012): Fejleszd a memóriád! HVG Könyvek.
[5] James Harrison, Mike Hobbs (2020): Tornáztasd az elméd! 
[6] Lucas Riera: Agytorna 2. Fejleszd a memóriádat! Napraforgó Kiadó.
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[8] Joel Levy (2019): Fejleszd az agyad! HVG Könyvek. 
[9] Lucas Riera: Agytorna 4. Fejleszd a figyelmedet! Napraforgó Kiadó.

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